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Name Meaning

Across various cultures, philosophies, and during different time periods in human history, the number "eleven" has held a variety of meanings. From healing, friendship, and community building, to sharing one's unique skills and talents with the world, the number "eleven" holds a great deal of significance for many people for an assortment of reasons. See below for what it means to us.

Eleventh House

Eleventh House represents the home that we are building together. We don’t want to save or play peacekeeper. In fact, we believe that peacekeepers are often where they do not belong. We are Facilitators, Coaches, Researchers, Consultants, Strategic Planners, Evaluators, Data Analysts, Connectors, and Guides. We understand that there are many environments in this world that don’t meet our needs or honor our innate human rights. Thus, we have chosen to not disrupt those spaces, but to understand them, and then create something new for ourselves.


In our home, the anger and dissatisfaction that has manifested due to neglectful and abusive environments has propelled us to engage in cross-sector partnerships that develop individuals, families, teams, organizations, communities, and societies that understand how to embrace individual complexity, and adopt creative approaches to ensure that their needs are met, rights are honored, and good health is sustained. Ultimately, because we have found the "each one, teach one" method and "train-the-trainer" model to be the most effective design for our theory of change.


If you choose to cross the entryway into our home, welcome! We look forward to creating the opportunity for you to re-choose us and we look forward to choosing you in return. It is our greatest hope that, upon your departure, we will be friends!

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